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Homeowners Renewal Questionnaire


​Dear valued client, we would like to thank you for choosing our services. To ensure that we provide you with the best possible homeowners insurance renewal, we kindly request that you complete the attached questionnaire. Your prompt attention would be greatly appreciated. Please select or add comments by clicking on the box provided. If thes questions do not apply to you, kindly select "None of the following questions apply". 

Liquid Bubbles
If NONE of the follow questions apply to you, please check the NONE response below AND hit SUBMIT button at bottom of page
Raising your deductible will result in a lower premium. Are you interested in exploring a higher deductible?
Have you replaced your roofing?
Is your lower level finished?
Are you working from home or operating a home-based business?
Have you made significant improvements to your home or are you planning to?
Is the lower level walkout?
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